UAE Citizenship by Investment
The terms United Arab Emirates (UAE) citizenship by investment and UAE Golden Visa are often confused, though they serve different purposes. Citizenship by investment grants full citizenship, including a passport, in return for a qualifying investment. On the other hand, a golden visa provides long-term residency rather than citizenship, allowing individuals to live and work in the host country. This blog delves into whether there is a direct route to UAE citizenship through investment and explores the UAE Golden Visa as a potential pathway to residency and eventual naturalisation.
Obtaining citizenship by investment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not possible in the manner that it is in some countries, such as under the Caribbean CBI programmes; instead, the applicant is granted citizenship after a long period of residency. The UAE is progressive in attracting investment and talent to the country, and the UAE golden visa programme reflects this. The UAE golden visa benefits the holder short of full citizenship and allows the holder to maintain the long period of residency (thirty years) required to obtain citizenship by naturalisation while being able to live, work, study, and conduct business in the country. The UAE golden visa has been popular, with 158,000 issued in 2023 (up from around 80,000 in 2022 and around 47,000 in 2021) as the UAE looks to fulfil the programme’s aims to attract and retain top talent, promote economic growth and provide a secure and prosperous future for residents. The highly favourable tax regime in the UAE is also a significant factor for many applicants. However, tax residency does not come automatically with UAE residency and requires spending a considerable amount of time in the country (and avoiding being a tax resident anywhere else).
UAE Citizenship by Investment
Does the UAE Offer Citizenship by Investment?
It does not in the traditional sense. Citizenship is generally reserved for those with blood ties to the UAE or obtained after a very long period of residency (typically thirty years). However, since 2021, it has been possible to achieve citizenship by ‘exceptional merit’, which can be met, among other things, by investment, although this is a truly exceptional category and is decided on a case-by-case basis rather than by meeting fixed criteria. The UAE currently offers a golden visa programme that seeks to attract foreign talent and investment and allows for residency in the UAE. Still, it is not in itself a path to citizenship.
Residence through the golden visa scheme comes with the following main benefits.
- Ability to live, work and study in the UAE
- Ability to register assets in the UAE without the usual restrictions on non-visa holders
- No requirement for a sponsor
- Highly favourable tax regime
- Access to high-quality healthcare and education
- Ability to sponsor family members and domestic workers for applications for residency
What is the level of investment required?
For a five-year golden residence visa (also known as the green visa), an investment of AED 750,000 (c. USD 204,000) in real estate.
For a ten-year golden residence visa, an investment of AED 2,000,000 (c. USD 545,000) in real estate.
Applicants investing at least AED 10,000,000 (c. USD 2,720,000) in a UAE business or investment fund or depositing such amount in a UAE bank account can also obtain a golden visa.
However, as the UAE is seeking to attract individuals with unique characteristics, golden visas can also be obtained by:
- Persons of exceptional talent in arts, science, or technology
- Exceptional scientists and professionals (e.g. healthcare, education, engineering)
- Outstanding students
- Humanitarian pioneers
- Frontline heroes that show extraordinary efforts in crises such as pandemics
The UAE authorities must approve all applications, and as the alternative categories are subjective by nature, these are less certain to be approved than the investment routes.
How long does the process take?
Processing times are very quick, at around five business days. However, taking into account the gathering of information required, the process typically takes around two months.
How much does it cost?
The fees involved in obtaining a UAE golden visa range from AED 10,000 to AED 15,000 (c. USD 2,720 to USD 4,085) depending on the basis for the application and the length of golden visa applied for.
Can family members also obtain a golden visa?
Yes, golden visa holders may sponsor spouses and children regardless of age and may also sponsor colleagues and domestic staff.
How long is the golden visa issued for?
The UAE golden visa has an initial period of validity of five or ten years, depending on the type of application, and may be extended provided the initial criteria for granting the visa continue to be met.
Do I need to spend time in the UAE?
No, there are no time requirements. In particular, the requirement for the validity of a non-golden visa that a holder may not stay outside of the UAE for more than six months does not apply to golden visa holders.
How is the citizenship in the UAE obtained?
Obtaining citizenship in the UAE is not related to the golden visa programme other than as part of compliance with the required residency periods. Applicants can get citizenship in the UAE through what can be considered standard paths such as birth, descent, marriage, and naturalisation. As naturalisation requires residency of at least thirty years, this is not a viable option for most. However, the UAE may also grant citizenship based on ‘exceptional merit’ case-by-case basis to doctors, scientists, inventors, creative talents, and investors. This is a highly discretionary category and, thus, is not a route that can be relied upon.
Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the UAE?
In general, no, although persons obtaining citizenship by exceptional merit may retain their original citizenship.
Caribbean Citizenship by Investment as the Best Alternative
As you can see from the above, obtaining citizenship in the UAE is a long process requiring an exceptionally long period of residency. In comparison, the Caribbean citizenship by investment countries offer a faster and more certain alternative with a far lower level of commitment from the applicant and provides visa free access for travel. For details of these CBI programmes, such as Grenada Citizenship by Investment, check the home page.
Final Thoughts
Obtaining citizenship by investment in the UAE alone is not an option as it is under other CBI programmes such as those in the Caribbean. Rather, citizenship is obtained by a (very) long period of residency. The UAE golden visa programme is worth considering if you do not require full citizenship (at least for a very long time) and are genuinely looking to work, live and/or do business in the UAE. Obtaining the UAE golden visa will also allow an investor to spend the requisite time in the UAE to take advantage of its favourable tax regime, including zero inheritance tax. For investors looking for full citizenship, it is unlikely that the UAE is the right option for you as it would generally take thirty years of residency unless the investor is a very special case.
What types of investments qualify for the UAE golden visa programme?
Investments in UAE funds, deposits in UAE banks and the purchase of real estate in the UAE.
How much do I have to invest to obtain a UAE golden visa?
The required amount ranges from AED 750,000 to AED 10,000,000 for the various investment categories.
How long does it take to process an application for a UAE golden visa?
Typically, the process takes around two months.
How long does it take to obtain citizenship of the UAE?
A citizenship application may only be made after thirty years of residency in the UAE unless the application is made on a discretionary ‘exceptional merit’ basis.
What documents are required to apply for a UAE golden visa?
Documents required include passport, medical certification, proof of health insurance, and evidence of meeting the criteria on which the application is based (e.g. proof of investment or evidence that the exception merit criteria have been met).
Can family members be included in the application for a UAE golden visa?
A UAE golden visa holder may sponsor any spouse and all children, regardless of age as well as colleagues and domestic staff. Although this is a slightly different process to other golden visa programmes, the effect is similar.
Are there any residency requirements for applicants for a UAE golden visa?
No. A golden visa holder is not required to spend any time in the UAE to maintain the golden visa. However, given that many holders wish to take advantage of the favourable tax regime in the UAE, they may need to spend a considerable part of their time in the country to obtain tax residency.